What’s Your Best Pack Meeting Ever?

Pack Leaders,

Tell us about your best Pack Meeting EVER!

We’re all working hard to come up with those ideas that spark wonder in the Cub Scouts and keep them coming back for more.  Let’s share ideas of the most amazing pack ideas we’ve seen, done, heard of, or even dreamed up but never actually executed.  If each pack comes up with only ONE idea, that’s about two years of pack meetings for everyone to “leverage” (read: shamelessly rip off!)

So here’s the assignment:

Send in a few sentences (and a picture if you have it!!!) of the Best Pack Meeting EVER to [email protected] with the subject: Best Pack Meeting EVER

We will compile the list and present them at the November Roundtable Meeting – which means, by the way, that the November Roundtable (November 10 at 7 pm) is not one you want to miss.  Be there to describe your idea and, more importantly, get ideas to “leverage” from other packs.  


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