Pandemic-prompted changes to Scouts BSA advancement requirements expire March 1

Over the past year and a half of the pandemic, Scout units have modified their procedures to ensure that Scouts have a safe, meaningful and memorable journey along the Scouting trail. On March 1, 2022, all temporary changes to Scouts BSA advancement requirements will expire, and Scouts will return to the original, unmodified requirements.
Twin Valley Scouting during “Stay at Home”

Once again we find ourselves under the direction of a new health order. We are generally required to “shelter in place”, and the Alameda County health order places severe restrictions on what is permitted in the county. The Golden Gate Area Council has also provided guidance. In accordance with the December 3, 2020 California Regional […]
Scouting Through Covid on YouTube

Twin Valley is pleased to present our YouTube recordings of the informational session, “Scouting Through Covid”. These recordings include both the general session and the two breakouts for Cubs and Scouts BSA. Join with professional scouters from council, district, and units as we share guidelines and best practices for Scouting during the pandemic. General Session […]
Scouting Through COVID

Join your fellow Twin Valley Scouters in discussing how to keep Scouting alive in your unit through the challenges imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic. Hear how units are successfully holding: In person meetings and events Virtual meetings and events Community service projects Recognition and advancement Thursday, September 24, 7:00p to 8:00p Register in advance for this meeting […]
Remote Scouting Resources

Twin Valley is pulling together a list of resources that may be helpful for running virtual or socially distant scouting events during the pandemic. We’ve highlighted to best ones on our home page, in a section called “Remote Scouting”. All of the resources are available on the Resources page of this web site. Suggestions or […]
Restarting your Unit
As our area begins to relax the “shelter in place” restrictions, you may be considering restarting in person unit activities. BSA has a released a guide to safe reopening of your unit. Keep our youth and adults safe in scouting!
Online Meeting Tips for the Times

In our first video release, Twin Valley unit leaders share their best tricks for on-line meetings. (Excerpt from the 5-14 roundtable).
Revised Refund Policy
Click on “Revised Refund Policy” above first, then click below to view the revised refund policy due to COVID-19. Please read it in it’s entirety. We thank you for your ongoing patience during these uncertain times. #scoutsafely
Troop 941 Keeps Scouting During the Pandemic
Scouting has been harder to do during the pandemic, but Troop 941 shows it’s still possible. For an April meeting the troop held an on-line meeting featuring guest speaker Didrik Johnck. He narrated a slide slow entitled “Eagle to Everest”. His presentation was originally scheduled to be delivered at a troop meeting, but events changed […]
Updated FAQ from National BSA
Link to FAQ