AB 506 Update Mandated Reporter Training Due by Feb. 28, 2022

Youth protection is a core value of the Golden Gate Area Council. We are continuing to update you with the latest news on California law AB 506, which adds layers of protection to our already robust BSA Youth Protection and Barriers to Abuse policies.
Twin Valley’s new District Executive

Twin Valley is excited to announce that Michael Souza has accepted the position of Twin Valley District Executive. Michael is a native of Fremont and earned the rank of Eagle with Troop 154 in 2011. He is a graduate of California State University, East Bay and earned his Bachelor of Arts Degree in Professional, Public, […]
Twin Valley District Executive Promoted

Twin Valley District Executive Matt Lindberg has accepted a promotion within our council to be the Program Director. Matt was originally recruited to the Scouting profession while working at Camp Royaneh. He is indebted to the Twin Valley volunteers who helped form and shape his leadership style within Scouting. He hopes to see you all at camp!
Recharter 2020

Twin Valley District Executive, Matt Lindberg, shows district unit leaders how to process the 2020 recharter packets.
Twin Valley is now on Instagram

Twin Valley district now has an Instagram account! If your unit has a great scouting related photo, send it to [email protected] and we’ll post it for you. Follow “twinvalleydistrict” on Instagram to see our scouts participating in fun and exciting activities.
New Twin Valley Calendar on your Phone

You can view Twin Valley’s calendar on your phone (Apple or Android). We are now using a calendar from TeamUp, and by following these instructions, you can add the district calendar to your phone’s calendar application: https://calendar.teamup.com/kb/subscribe-to-teamup-icalendar-feeds/