Troop 942 looking for girls
Adventure, Leadership, Service, Personal Growth & FUN! Young women can now be a part of Scouting-BSA and experience AMAZING Adventure, Leadership Development, Community Service, Personal Growth, and most important – FUN, within an all-female setting. Troop 2942 is a girl-only Scouting-BSA troop in the Tri-Valley area, organized expressly for girls age 10-18. If soaring like […]
Recruiting checklist: Verify your “unit pin”

You might be asking, “what the heck is a ‘unit pin’”? As a registered scouter, you may never have used the scout unit finder tool at The “Be a Scout” tool allows interested families to locate a nearby pack/troop/crew/ship unit to join. With covid numbers decreasing and counties opening up, now is a great […]