AB 506 Update Mandated Reporter Training Due by Feb. 28, 2022

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GGAC Scouting Family:

Youth protection is a core value of the Golden Gate Area Council. We are continuing to update you with the latest news on California law AB 506, which adds layers of protection to our already robust BSA Youth Protection and Barriers to Abuse policies.

As noted in previous communications, all youth service organizations (e.g. Scout units, church groups, and sports teams) are required to meet AB 506 standards as of January, 2022. Two of the AB 506 standards affect all adult volunteers, all employees, and many of our families. 

  • Mandated Reporter Training from the State of California (complete before February 28, 2022)
  • Live Scan background check (coming soon)

Mandated Reporter Training is required in addition to our BSA Youth Protection Training. Volunteer leaders must complete the 2 hour training and upload your certificate at California Scouting by February 28, 2022.

A Live Scan background check (the digital version of inked fingerprinting) will also be required for all volunteers and staff in the coming weeks. Our council is finalizing the process necessary to be able to account for the completion of these background checks. We will update you again when Live Scan is available.

All California BSA councils are working together to implement these requirements consistently and in a timely fashion. Our youth members require the commitment of all adults involved in the Scouting program to keep them safe. Thank you for your dedication to this core value and for protecting our youth.

Please refer to the California Scouting site, developed by all California councils, to follow the steps necessary for your training and background check. Click the “Learn More” link under Background Info Check on that page, look for the AB-506 Volunteer Process box, and complete steps 1 and 2 by February 28, 2022.

We will continue to update you on these requirements through special and regular GGAC eNews updates. Local information will continue to be available at GGAC Youth Protection. We appreciate your patience and assistance as we join all California Youth Service Organizations in improving youth protection.

Yours in Scouting

Dan Walters
Council President

Mike Hale
Scout Executive

Michael Allison
Council Commissioner


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