AB 506 Mandated Reporter Training & Live Scan Background Check

Youth Protection and GGAC Logos

Original Source: [email protected] | February 17., 2022

GGAC Scouting Family

Youth protection is a core value of the Golden Gate Area Council. We have an update on the Live Scan background check requirement of California law AB 506, which adds layers of protection to our already robust BSA Youth Protection and Barriers to Abuse policies.

As noted in previous communications, all youth service organizations (e.g. Scout units, church groups, and sports teams) are required to meet AB 506 standards as of January, 2022. Two of the AB 506 standards affect all adult volunteers, all employees, and many of our families.

Mandated Reporter Training from the State of California
(complete before February 28)

Mandated Reporter Training is required in addition to our BSA Youth Protection Training. Volunteer leaders must complete the 2 hour training and upload their certificate at California Scouting by February 28, 2022.

Live Scan background check
(complete before April 30)

A Live Scan background check (the digital version of inked fingerprinting) is required for all volunteers and staff. Live Scan replaces previous background checks; all volunteers will have to complete this once.

Please follow Step 3 at California Scouting/GGAC and use your web browser’s pdf reader to open the Live Scan Request Form. Only the “Applicant Info” section needs to be completed. (Note: if your default settings are to open pdf files in Adobe Acrobat, the form may not be populated with our council’s unique routing number)

Continue to refer to the California Scouting site, developed by all California councils, to follow the steps necessary for your training and Live Scan background check. It is imperative that you complete steps 1-3 by April 30, 2022. Local information will continue to be available at GGAC Youth Protection. We appreciate your patience and assistance as we join all California Youth Service Organizations in improving youth protection. 

Yours in Scouting

Dan Walters
Council President

Mike Hale
Scout Executive

Michael Allison
Council Commissioner


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